Harriet’s spring return does not mean the end or our collective anxiety. Yes, we do wring our hands in anticipation of her safe arrival, but then we immediately start wringing them again as we wait for her mate to arrive, or for her to select a new mate if he doesn't. And it doesn't stop there. Eggs must be laid and hatched, attackers must be chased, etc. Yes, the osprey breeding season is clearly not for the faint of heart.
the osprey season begins

Harriet Returns to Dunrovin
What a Welcomed Sight!
Harriet is Greeted with Wind and Snow
Springtime in Montana is well known for changeable weather. Heck, one can experience an entire year’s worth of weather in a single day - from a warm, sunny afternoon to snow blowing and piling up that evening. Well, Harriet surely knows that after at least 12 springs at Dunrovin. This year was no different. She arrived in the sunshine. Within a couple of days she was hanging on for dear life as the snow lashed at her, driven by a nearly 50 mile per hour wind. By the next morning her nest was covered in snow, only to melt away as the day ended with a sunny evening.
News from Hashknife Ranch
The Stone-boat Is Complete
The shafts were the final pieces to be crafted and fitted to Oggy. James did an outstanding job of working with the welders to construct some heavy duty shafts that are a great fit for Oggy!
Training Oggy
Enthusiasm Gets the Best of Brandon and Ashley
Ashley and James did an terrific job of rigging up the stone-boat and attaching the shafts to the jury-rigged pack saddle that we are substituting for a harness. While Oggy can be stubborn in trying to avoid work, he shows tremendous resilience in accepting new things and panicking. These traits were on full display during last week’s training session. His calm acceptance of the stone-bone and shafts caused Brandon and Ashley to get a little ahead of themselves, causing some problems that could have been serious with a less calm horse. All's well that ends well!
Raptor Talk with Chelsea: Eagles
Montana’s Eagles
While adult bald eagles with their distinctive white heads and tails are easy to distinguish from Montana’s golden eagles, the juveniles are much more difficult. It takes several years for a bald eagle to reach maturity. A casual observer would be challenged to distinguish American bald from golden eagle teenagers. In this session of Raptor Talk, Chelsea gives us all kinds of pointers for telling Montana’s two eagle species apart.
This coming Monday at 2PM, Chelsea will present her fourth and final Raptor Talk session focused on owls.
Ranch Chores with Ashley
Fixing damage from the wind storm
That same violent wind storm that rocked Harriet’s nest and perch wreaked some havoc with the feed shed, too. Oh, well. It’s not as though Ashley and James have better things to do!
First Time for a Porcupine
We are yet again indebted to our faithful viewers for alerting us to the fact that we had a recent midnight visit at the bench from a porcupine. This is the first time a porcupine has appeared before a Dunrovin webcam. We’ve known that they were around, but they have always kept their distance. Dunrovin canines had better beware!

Don't Forget to Join Us for the Monday Socials!
- 7:30AM - Sunrise Webcam Tour with James
- 8:00AM - Morning Chores
- 9:00AM - News from the Hashknife Ranch with Brandon Carpenter
- 9:30AM - Training Oggy with Ashley and Brandon Carpenter
- 12:00PM - Finding Freddie with James
- 1:00PM - Ranch Talk with Ashley
- 2:00PM - Highlights from the Nest
- 3:00PM - Raptor Talk with Chelsea: Owls
- 4:00PM - Feeding the Herd
- 6:30PM - Clicking with Mackenzie
Clicking with Mackenzie Returns
In Mackenzie's last episode, he and Michal had a great time free shaping and smiling with both Canner and the DIVAS.
Next episode will kick off a new series on Pandemic Puppies for Clicking with Mackenzie and the crew. Many puppies have missed crucial socialization periods over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic, so Mackenzie will be doing several episodes on some of the more common things that are already coming up for puppies who have come into a world that looks very different from the one they'll be expected to live in.
Ryen has generously offered to let us work with Hudson to demonstrate and talk about socialization, excitement, and other questions on the minds of many new puppy parents right now. On our next episode, we will do a quick demo with the DIVAS and then we will train three behaviors crucial for good puppy socialization. We'll also check in on recall with James and Bunna. Join us Monday at 6:30 PM ranch time for puppies, doggos, and DIVAS, oh my!
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