Rumors fly AT DUNROVIN
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Listen UP! I'm talking to you!
Updated on Dec. 23, 2019
merry christmas
Give us a caption. Kate Dunn (also known as James Wasem's wife) is the genius and artistic talent serving to channel the DIVAS through the written word and illustrations for their now-famous Animal Advice from the Wise Asses column. In working with the DIVAS on their recent letter from a group of caribou who were confused about all the references to flying sleighs, they suggested that she might also create a Merry Christmas illustration of their stockings hanging over the mantel waiting for their much-deserved gifts. After all, they are always on their very best behavior and are confident that Santa has a special bag of gifts just for them. Kate, being the lovely woman she is, obliged with the illustration below. She couldn't help but add socks for captains Lewis and Clark and for her and James' new puppy, Bunna.
The condition of Bunna's sock may draw your attention. Evidently, Bunna is nothing but a puppy terrorist with teeth. Sharp teeth. Teeth that are used on anything within reach—socks, cardboard boxes, human hands. Oh sure, he is as cute as they come, but just look at the photo below of James to see his real nature.
Send your caption for Kate's fun Christmas stocking illustration to [email protected]. Who knows what we might send you back! Be sure to include your mailing address along with your caption.
Check out the DIVAS' latest advice. See what the DIVAS have to say to a group of Canadian woodland caribou wondering about retiring to Montana to escape the cold Canadian winters.
Animal Advice from the Wise Asses
The Dunrovin DIVAS feel it is their civic duty to respond to pleas for advice from less sophisticated and wise animals of the world. Readers beware. The opinions expressed by the DIVAS are not necessarily endorsed by Dunrovin Ranch.
Ranch talk and barnyard chatter

DIVA Training Madness
Mackenzie is spreading the joy of working with the "DIVAS of Deception" by recruiting helpers for hid training sessions. They are are all too easily captured by the DIVAS' many charms. Really, Mackenzie, is this any way to treat a friend?
Broadcast Date: December 19, 2019 at 2:30PM

Singing with Charla
Join us in song and music to celebrate the season with Dunrovin's own songstress Charla Bauman in this re-broadcast of her performance at the Auberge Assisted Living Community in Missoula.
Broadcast Date: December 17, 2019 at 2:30PM

Creating Monsters
Mackenzie's diabolical plan to teach the DIVAS to use a "call board" to communicate their needs to their already harried staff has been revealed. It's not as if they weren't demanding enough!
Broadcast Date: December 12, 2019 at 2:30PM

Celebrating Winter
Dunrovin Ranch is always happy to welcome local naturalist Hobie Hare to come out and help us reflect on the change of season. Hobie will join SuzAnne around the campfire to welcome the beginning to winter.
Broadcast Date: December 10, 2019 at 2:30PM

DIVA Training Continues
One never really knows who is in charge during the donkey DIVAS' training. These girls are smart, and they know how to work Mackenzie almost as well as he works them. Don't take our word for it. Tune in!
Broadcast Date: December 5, 2019

Dressing for Christmas
Dunrovin Ranch likes to mix it up when it comes to decorating and celebrating the holiday season. Holiday decorations depend on the number, interests, and skills of the staff available. So what will happen this year? You'll have to tune in to find out.
Broadcast Date: December 3, 2019

The DIVA Training Continues
Enjoy this rebroadcast of Mackenzie's training session on Sunday, November 23. While for a change, Mackenzie had great weather; but he also had two "smart aleck" donkeys who gave no end of laughable tricks.
Broadcast Date: December 5 , 2019

Training the DIVAS Part 2
In previous years, Mackenzie Cole and the DIVAS had many outings in the local area. The DIVAS love to visit busy stores where there many people to admire their charms. Who knows where all this training will lead.
November 21, 2019

Keeping Warm in Winter
The key to a happy herd in winter is plenty of hay and access to ice-free water. Dunrovin's winter feeding program centers around the daily temperature and wind conditions to alter the amount of hay that is spread. Our goal is to keep the herd continually eating and walking.
November 19, 2019

Clicker Training the DIVAS
Mackenzie Cole has a long history of working with the DIVAS to prepare them for their role as Dunrovin's ambassadors and publicity hounds... er, um...donkeys. He puts them trough their paces, and they put him through theirs. It is loads of fun to watch because it is loads of fun for them to do!
November 16, 2019

Dunrovin's Winter Workers
Every year Dunrovin exchanges living in a couple of Dunrovin's guest apartments for help on the ranch. This year two hardworking guys with skills that match much of the work that is needed have moved in. While feeding a herd of horses is new to them both, they seem to be having fun learning the ropes of caring for horses.
November 14, 2019

Kelli's Winter Migration
Ranch Manger extraordinaire Kelli is packing up her dogs and her horse Crow to head out to enjoy some sunny and warm trails in the Southwest. While we will all miss her, we are delighted to see her off on this much-deserved long winter vacation. Happy trails to Kelli!
November 5, 2019

The Herd's Winter Rest
The horses have once again done a splendid job of taking Dunrovin's guests on numerous rides and now they are ready for their "quiet season" when they can be free to hang out together without human expectations.
October 29, 2019

All About Horseshoes
Not every horse needs to wear shoes. Not all horseshoes are made of iron. Horse owners disagrees on what is needed. It's more complicated that it seems. Join Dunrovin Ranch Manager Kelli give you the lowdown on horseshoes during this week's broadcasts.
October 22, 2019

The Bench Feeding Station
Nearly a year ago, Dunrovin installed an experimental station with bird feeders and bird bath on the bench that overlooks the riparian forest in the hopes of attracting different species of birds. Learn what's next during our October 15 broadcast.
October 14, 2019

New Bird feeders on the Nest
Dunrovin has had bird feeders on the ospreys' nest for the last 5 year and they have brought us all some great bird viewing. This year we are trying something new to provide even better photographic opportunities of the birds that com.
October 7, 2019

Autumn Trees
Trees take center stage during autumn when their leaves enchant us with their brilliant colors and turn landscapes into artists' canvases on which buckets of red, yellow, orange, and purple are strewn. Join us in a celebration of autumn trees that delight us so.
October 1, 2019

The Giddy-Up Girls
For the past nine years an eclectic and fun-loving group of women have gathered at Dunrovin Ranch to enjoy horses, Montana adventures, board games, good food and wine, and most of all one another's company. They call themselves the Giddy-Up Girls.
August 20, 2019

Saying Goodbye to Katie
It was a match made in heaven. Dunrovin Ranch was just right place to fulfill Katie's dreams, and Katie was just the right person to fill Dunrovin Ranch's description of the dream ranch hand.
August 8, 2019

Mystery's Progress
Mystery is what is known as "green broke" in that he has not yet had lots of experiences with lots of different riders in vayring circumstances. Ranch Manger Kelli is working to ensure that he get out on the trails to put some miles under his saddle and become a great guest horse.
August 6, 2019

Return of the Raptor
Ride with Ranch Hand Katie Wardisiani when she returns the mounted osprey that Dunrovin Ranch borrowed from Montana Wild in Helena, Montana to assume educational duties during the 2019 Awesome Osprey Project. Katie turns the everyday into the extraordinary.
August 1, 2019

Dunrovin's Orchard
Upon returning to Montana, Dunrovin Ranch owners SuzAnne and Sterling Miller planted an orchard and large garden with high hopes and big ambitions. While it did not work out exactly as planned, Dunrovin's orchard and garden have been a source of great joy.
July 30, 2019

Erskine's Next Step
Join Kelli when horse trainer Jane Getz return Erskine and they get him out on the trail and crossing the Bitterroot River as part of his training and evaluation to become a guest ranch horse.
July 25, 2019

Erskine's Long Road
Erskine came to Dunrovin Ranch in the summer of 2016 and has been in either rehabilitation or training ever since. Our ambition is to have him join the herd as a top notch guest horse. Will we succeed? Only time and additional training will tell
July 18, 2019

Welcoming Lorraine Turner
What a treat it is to have internationally know fabric artist, animal communicator, and author Lorraine Turner come to Dunrovin Ranch to visit and and have fun getting to know us and our D@D community.
July 18, 2019

Trail Clearing
It's time to clear Dunrovin Ranch's trail that follows and crosses the Bitterroot River. Ranch Manager Kelli is determined to get our tech guru James Wasem out on a horse to help her do the job.
July 16, 2019

Erskine's Progress
Horse trainer Montana Jane Getz has been working with Erskine daily and is ready to return to Dunrovin to report, show off his progress, and work collaboratively with Ranch Manager Kelli to ensure the his training continues once he has returned to Dunrovin.
July 11, 2019

New Names for New Horses
Ranch Owner SuzAnne Miller gave three new names to Dunrovin Ranch's three new horses. And Ranch Manager Kelli has been working with them to get them integrated into the herd, accustomed to the Dunrovin way, and out on the trails with guests.
July 9, 2019

Banding the Osprey Chicks
The University of Montana scientists will come out to Dunrovin Ranch on Tuesday, July 9th at 10:30AM to band Pip, Hip, and Hooray. The chicks are really growing fast and have already begun to exercise their wings, so the scientists want to get them banded as soon as possible.
July 9, 2019

Fireworks: Fun or Frantic?
People love to celebrate the Fourth of July with bright and loud fireworks filling the skies. However, for many other animals, it can be a very stressful time as they do not understand and all their senses tell them that the sky is falling!
July 2, 2019

Erskine Goes to School
Dunrovin's big beautiful blue roan, Erskine, needs a refresher course in how to accommodate novice riders. Luckily, Dunrovin has found just the right local trainer to give him some lessons.
June 27, 2019

Trailers are a Fact of Life
Dunrovin Ranch often uses trailers to haul horses for a variety of reasons, from taking guests on special rides that start in the mountains and can only be reached by old logging roads, to participating in clinics, or giving rides to kids at the local YMCA.
June 25, 2019

A Tree for Bonnie and Clyde
It has become a tradition to plant trees to memorialize recently departed animals who have lived and been part of the Dunrovin Ranch family. A colorful Hawthorn tree has been selected to honor Bonnie's and Clyde's passing
June 20, 2019

The Lovely Lady Lonza
Born on ranch owner SuzAnne Miller's dad's birthday seventeen years ago, Lady Lonza created a special connection between SuzAnne and her departed father.
June 18, 2019

Welcoming Summer
At the change of every season, Dunrovin Ranch's friend and nature guide, Hobie Hare, comes out to visit, share the joys of the season, and help us deepen our connections with nature.
June 13, 2019

Three New Horses
Occasionally, Dunrovin Ranch needs to retire some horses and bring in some new blood. Meet three new horses that will soon join the Dunrovin herd.
June 11, 2019

Mackenzie Cole Returns
Mackenzie Cole returns to Dunrovin Ranch to once again demonstrate the effective and gentle method of clicker training that can be used with any type of animal, from marine mammals, to birds, and, in Dunrovin's case, to horses, donkeys, and dogs.
June 6, 2019

Saddle Fit
Just like human athletic runners need shoes that fit and support their feet, each horse needs a saddle that properly fits its physical structure and keeps the weight of the rider or the pack cargo off of its spine. Saddle fit is an important health issue for guest ranch horses.
June 4, 2019

Biologist Torrey Ritter
Join Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks wildlife biologist Torrey Ritter for live broadcast sessions on Wednesday, May 29 to talk with participants of the Awesome Osprey Project. Check the D@D calendar for times.
May 29, 2019

Singing Around the Fire Pit
Be sure to tune in for a live broadcast sing along with Charla Bauman and Doug Hogan. These two will bring their music and tall tales to Dunrovin Ranch on Tuesday, May 128th at 2:00PM. Download the lyrics to the music HERE, and tun up your vocal cords for some musical fun!
May 28, 2019

Too Much or Too Little
This is the story of water at Dunrovin Ranch: too much or too little. Spring floods wreck havoc for several months only to let the long hot days of summer threaten to dry everything up. Managing water and vegetation at Dunrovin requires organization and commitment.
May 21, 2019

Animal Parents of Dunrovin
This is the time of year when all of us celebrate our mothers and fathers and honor the most important jobs in the world. Our wild and domestic animal parents at Dunrovin experience different challenges than we humans face, but they are every bit as dedicated and thoughtful as we are. Get to know some of the Dunrovin animal parents.
May 13, 2019

Dining Perches
The adult ospreys generally eat their fish dinner away from nest when there are eggs or chicks are present in the nest. Dunrovin will replace two "dining perches" to give the ospreys a place to eat alone that is well within webcam view.
May 11 , 2019

Member Moments
Learn about the D@D Member Moments Program that is designed to get you as involved with our community as you desire. The more we learn about one another, the more we connect as friends. Help us celebrate Mother's and Father's Day by completing our D@D Parenting Survey. Visit the Member Moments Program to learn more.
May 10, 2019

Ranch Hand Wardisiani
School-year teacher and summer ranch hand Katie Wardisiani is a ball of creativity, spirit, and energy. She loves what she does and it shows in the quality of her work.
May 7 , 2019

The Awesome Osprey Project
The Awesome Osprey Science Project is a collaboration between the D@D community and school kids across the nation. Focused on osprey life history as seen through our web cameras, data will be collected and shared. Take a look and get involved!
May 6 , 2019

Horse Training
Dunrovin Ranch is fortunate to be able to count on master horseman and trainer Brandon Carpenter to help us train and maintain our horses. His gentle, knowing ways with horses and people enable him to bring them together in a true partnership.
April 25, 2019

Nighttime Photos at Dunrovin
A sleepless night brought Dunrovin Ranch owner SuzAnne Miller to the web camera controls to see what she could see. Dunrovin can be as enchanting at night as it is by day. Take a look!
April 28, 2019

The Equine Youngsters
Mystery is an 8-year-old goof ball of a horse who is kind, gentle, and very cooperative. He still needs some additional training this summer before he goes to work as a guest horse. Oggy was born at Dunrovin Ranch in May of 2017 and is full of himself. Oggy's world is one of learning - from his mother, his herd mates, and his human handlers.
April 25, 2019

Musical Chairs
Pull up your chair, tap you feet, and sing along with songstress Charla Bauman as she broadcasts live from Brookdale Missoula Valley Senior Residence on April 23 at 2PM. Be sure to download the song book so you can add your voice!
April 23, 2019

Welcome to Lorraine Turner
What a pleasure it is to welcome Lorraine turner to the DaysAtDunrovin community where she will share her world of Art and Animals. Her enormous creative spirit is matched only by the size of her heart and commitment to using her art to support animals and people in need of support and comfort.
April 18, 2019

The Children Return
Each spring, Dunrovin Ranch welcomes little cowboys and cowgirls to the ranch to experience the joys of partnering with horses and ponies. Our after-school pony club and our home school horsemanship classes are the perfect way to transition from the quiet of winter to the hustle and bustle of summer.
April 18, 2019

The Horses Return
Spring has officially sprung, which means that the horses need to return to the main barn and riding area of the ranch after their winter off to rest and relax with their friends. The first horses to come back will be those that are used by the young ones in our kids' after-school programs.
April 9, 2019

Two Delightful Skydivers
We are in for a treat when when we meet with two Missoula Valley Brookdale residents to hear their stories of how they have not let age keep them from experiencing the thrills of skydiving.
April 7, 2019

The Trail Guide's Horn Bag
A good trail guide must be prepared for anything and everything when guiding guests on horses in Montana's back country. Having the right emergency supplies is essential.
April 1, 2019

DIVA Training is WORK!
Donkeys and humans agree that patience is the key ingredient to forming a lasting partnership with an individual from a different species.
March 30, 2019

The Mysterious Milky Way
It is our home galaxy and has been the source of wonder and delight throughout the ages. It is not possible to witness it and not feel the enormity of space, to know that the number of stars within it are uncountable, and to thrill at the mystery of it all.
March 23, 2019

Meet Bonnie and Clyde
Mother and son Bonnie and Clyde are inseparable. He started out life under her care, and she will live out her life under his care. She is blind and he is her eyes. These two resilient and brave little ponies have brought much joy to children of all ages at Dunrovin Ranch.
March 22, 2019

Web Camera Maintenance
Two of Dunrovin Ranch's web cameras are out-of-reach for routine cleaning and maintenance. Both the osprey nest webcam and the ranch webcam sit atop high poles. Assistance from a bucket truck with a skilled operator is needed. Furthermore, the maintenance schedule is dictated by the ospreys!
March 17, 2019

Connecting with Nature
It is in human nature to be connected to nature. Being in nature contributes in so many ways to our wellbeing. But it is not always possible to go outside in nature. Luckily, there are ways to connect with nature regardless of where you are, and there are people like Hobie Hare to guide us along the way.
March 15, 2019

Science Lab - Night Skies
Montana is blessed with Big DARK Night Skies that allow us all to enjoy its spectacular celestial wonders. Join astronomer Diane Friend and photographer John Ashley for educational romp through Montana's night skies.
March 6, 2019

Geese on the Ospreys' Nest
We love the Canada Geese - EXCEPT when they attempt to steal the ospreys' nest and make it their own. But we've got plans to deter them!
March 3, 2019

Captains Lewis and Clark
Dunrovin Ranch did not plan to own a team of ponies and drive a carriage - but it happened and we have been having fun with these two ever since.
February 27, 2019

Waiting for Harriet and Hal
Nothing can adequately explain our love for two birds that know or care nothing about us! Each year we wait for their return to the Dunrovin osprey nest.
February 26, 2019

Winter Birds
Not all of Montana's birds fly south for the winter.
Some stay right here to enjoy the bird feeders.
February 24, 2019

D@D Book Club
Winter is a great time to curl up with a good book
that you can share with friends.
February 20, 2019

Great American Trials
Take a deep dive into learning about two famous American defense attorneys, Clarence Darrow and F. Lee Bailey.
February 17, 2019

Welcome to Dunrovin Ranch
How did Dunrovin get its name?
Learn about Dunrovin's four web cameras.
February 4, 2019

Kelli partners with crow
Ranch Manager lost her long-time horse partner Doc.
Now she starts a new relationship with Crow.
February 4, 2019

G3 Builds river webcam tower
The horse herd stays warm in winter.
Kola often runs on three legs.
January 10, 2019